6 reasons why you were much cooler when you were a baby.

Roni F. Matar
2 min readFeb 27, 2021

I was in a coffee shop before the lockdowns started, and there a 1-year-old baby’s actions caught my attention and made me wonder “If we act the same way as adults, how would our lives be different?”

Here are 6 things you did as a baby do that made you much cooler than you are today:

1- You fell down a lot, and made mistakes. That’s the best way to learn, and you knew there was someone out there who would be ready to help once you made the right noises.

2- You took more naps, fell asleep in the weirdest places, and knew how to take breaks from an exhausting day. When was the last time that you took a nap when you felt like it?

3- When you wanted something, you wanted it now. Have you ever seen a baby or a kid that wanted something in a supermarket? Visualize that for a moment.

4- You allowed yourself to feel and be in the moment until those pesky adults started to intrude!

5-You knew when to have fun and the world was your game to discover and explore.

6- And last but not least, you made a mess and didn’t care, because that’s how true discoveries are made.

Yes, you did most if not all of the above when you were a kid, and now you are just waiting for the right time to do something, procrastinating, giving excuses, putting off important decisions, and most importantly being busy being afraid and not making a change. The world is a mess, and there are a lot of things out of your control but the question is, what is under your control? Is there anything you can influence or change about it sooner rather than later?

Or, you can wait until everything is perfect and normal again to do that.

Your call.

